About Me


My name is Kevin and i love to learn a new things especially dealing with unity. I study computer science in Padjadjaran University. The most interested things that i like is Virtual Reality and Game Development. I can work in team, because working as a team can make a great product.

Download CV
Unity 85%
C++ 75%

Others Skill


I loved to play music especially piano. I joined Padjadjaran Ensemble Communty in 2018 and i have a lot experience to learn from there. I'm also participated in Indonesia Orchestra Ensemble Festival 2018 and 2019 in Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta. I Believe my music skill will also help me develop a better Game


I use Blender to make 3D Object. But I'm still have a lot to learn and still far a way to become a master.

Video Editing

I Loved editing and designing. I often make a design when i'm in charge as a staff from Media Informasi Padjadjaran Ensemble Community UNPAD.


VR Distraksi Pengambilan Darah, Unity


VR Distraksi Pengambilan Darah used Oculus Quest to distract the user during blood injection

VR PAT used Virtual Reality to run a psychological test to measure problem solving, leadership, critical thinking, data checking, & communication skills

VR Personnel Assessment Technology, Unity

08/2019 - 12/2019

Birthday AR CARD, Unity


NeedlePhobia VR is an application that used Virtual Reality to reduce pain by distract the user and can be used as a therapy method.


Birthday AR CARD is an Augmented Reality application that is used to read card as the marker and display birthday wishes.

Needle Phobia VR, Unity



Personal Information


087 821 898 588

